Thursday, October 2, 2008

Palintology-The Power Of Sexism
Sarah Palin's VP candicacy is based on the power of sexism. When the Mccain campaign saw Hillary Clinton supporters that polls categorized as white female voters were not going to support Barack Obama, old man Mccain pulled Gov Barracuda out of Alaska to pimp the vote. Now Sarah Palin is the Brittany Spears of the political arena in this presidential election. From the troopergate rape kit scandal. Posing for the media and foreign leaders at the UN, is she running for vice president or america's next top model. Also the CBS joint interview where John Mccain is babysitting Sarah Palin like a father would his daughter in a parent teacher confence by attacking Katie Couric and Republicans party members with the new sound bite "gotcha journalism" when a middle class main st. citizen asked a foreign policy question that will affect the voting public, not the media. photo via painter Bruce Elliot and co-owner of Chicago's North Side bar Olde Town Ale House

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