Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Hater Of The Week-Political Propaganda

Here's the problem with this right here. Chicago's crime rate has risen 18 % from 2007 to 2008. Republican's are attacking Barack arguing that while serving as an Illinois senator and during his days as a communnity activist Obama didn't do enough to make violent crime a priority. Specifically, they point to Obama's votes on gun legislation and the death penalty. Here's the truth:

1. Guns-June 2008 the Supreme court voted 5-4 in court case D.C vs Heller declaring all US citizens have the right to bear arms.

2. Police-The Chicago Police Dept has hired 3 different police supt. between 1998 -2008 Terry Hilliard, Phil Cline and Jody Weis a former FBI agent form PA. Also the Dept of Justice recently pleged to give $2 million to the CPD to fight gang crime in Chicago

3. Death Penalty-Illinois has a moratorium since 2000 courtesy of Gov Ryan serving time for corruption charges while Sec of State in Terra Haute IN.

4. Politics-Chicago politics has been dominated by the Daley family since the 1950's the political stronghold was maintained by corrupt city patronage of precint captains. Chicago wards leaders were in charge precinct captains, some of whom were tied to the local afia or crime syndicate and delivered votes for Old Man Daley from neighborhood to neighborhood.

so Obama and many other Illinois public servants inherited Chicago's political cliamte he didn't invent City clout and corruption.

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