Thursday, March 12, 2009

Behind The Hate-Blood Alchohol Content
cook county prosecutors are considering filing criminal charges against 59-year-old joseph parker, who is one of three chicago cops whose prolific DUI-busting has now come under scrutiny. parker has been placed on desk duty while the chicago police department conducts an investigation of dozens of DUI arrests by parker, sources say. chicago defense lawyers say there are two reasons police officers might cut corners or even lie to boost their DUI arrest numbers: first, they stand to profit from the resulting overtime for going to court on the cases; also, there are accolades to be had. records show that Parker himself was once arrested for DUI, charged with drunken driving on Feb. 17, 1996. that case was dismissed the following year.source chicago sun times

the following video features joseph parker and an alleged drunk driver. the combination of corruption and crying is criminal but classic.

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